Our Services
Business Valuation is an art rather than an exact science. Business owners are constantly facing challenges of today’s economy and market fluctuation. Putting a value on business has never been more difficult.
iValue Solutions provides business valuation service and follows the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (“CICBV”) standards which maintain assurance to the quality of the services. We provide professional valuation reports. Our role is independent and objective. The CICBV has established three types of valuation reports, comprehensive, estimate, and calculation.
Business valuation is more than just numbers. We review and analyze the company’s business operations, financial statements, financial projections, tax returns, management team, economic and industry factors, and any other relevant information. Click here for more details

Why iValue Solutions?
- iValue is your Trusted Advisor
Our Virtual Finance Guru creates the accountability necessary to drive better decisions from all employees, while giving business owners the ability to make the most informed decisions. Financial management is a core business discipline that is both complex and time consuming. Financial planning like budgeting and rolling forecasting is frequently ignored until it is too late. Many small and medium sized companies do not have the in-house resources to properly manage their financial and cash flow needs. In fact, business owners often do not have the time to properly review their financials or to fully understand what the numbers might mean to their bottom line.
iValue Solutions has the expertise to help companies improve and manage their financial situations. We take a holistic approach and use budgeting, rolling forecasting, and financial analysis to explain a company how it performed in the past, what it is doing in the present, and what it will be planned for the future. We provide a financial health check that includes key performance indicators and ratio analysis. Click here for more detailsiValue Solutions has the expertise to help companies improve and manage their financial situations. We take a holistic approach and use budgeting, rolling forecasting, and financial analysis to explain a company how it performed in the past, what it is doing in the present, and what it will be planned for the future. We provide a financial health check that includes key performance indicators and ratio analysis. Click here for more details

Why iValue Solutions?
- iValue provides solutions to your business
Business leaders are constantly facing challenges and opportunities. The unpredictable and ever changing market conditions give no time for the companies to react. Unless the companies become more agility in planning and resourceful so they can stay ahead of the business cycle.
iValue Solutions has the expertise and insights to help companies navigate during the process of transactions. We help companies to explore the potential of transactions and make better informed decision. No matter you are on the buy-side or the sell-side, making a new investment or expanding the existing business, we will have the turnkey solutions for you. We will help you analyze any risk and success factors. Click here for more details.

Why iValue Solutions?
- iValue delivers quality professional services